Friday, 25 November 2011

Do what you love and do it often...

Trying to find a satisfying balance between work and play seems to get trickier and trickier...I'm still looking for it!!! But I have put together a collage of my photography to remind me that I do occasionally get the time to live and breathe, and indulge some of my favourite past times...creative stuff, spending time with friends loved ones, a bit of travel now and again....
Worthing beach


Pretending to play golf

with Lindsey on Brighton beach

Brighton beach 2011

Bilbo Baggins

Where I work

Brick Lane vintage

Concert at Old Church, Chelsea

Worthing at night

Bath - where I were born

Tea parties
with my nephew

lying in a Wiltshire meadow

horse riding

second hand books

In my mum's garden

An Afternoon of Song - 25th October 2011

Here is some audio recorded by my lovely friend, composer and sound engineer whizz, Anthony Hutchings during my lunchtime recital on the 25th October 2011 in Findon, West Sussex. All uploaded onto Soundcloud. Accompanied by Rachel Lambert. 

Please have a listen and pass it on! xxx

Sunday, 13 November 2011

New Look Website

My poor website designer, Will has (yet again) overhauled my website for me. I was looking for a cleaner, brighter and sharper look, with easy access to information/audio etc. Do have a look/listen and let me know your thoughts...

and Will Long web design can be found here

I have yet to update concerts etc and I know there is a way I can access this myself, but being terribly girly and allergic to all things technological, I am finding it a little tricky...

Keep your eye out for upcoming concerts in December! xxx