Saturday, 4 May 2013

Snail Mail and why I love it!

I have been writing letters intermittently for some years now. I've always enjoyed writing and as a girl, I  write in my diary nearly every day and have many now to treasure and look back on (and cringe and giggle). When I moved to Germany, I kept several and they are a fantastic read even now. So many memories of colourful people I met there and various adventures vividly  preserved on paper. Like diaries, letters capture you in a moment. Throughout Music College and ever since, my friend Emma and I would always write to one another and tell our stories. It was a little piece of home comfort while I was away.

I absolutely love to put aside a quiet moment in the day when I can sit with a cup of tea and get my nice stationary out and just write. It's relaxing and creative and I love to tell stories. What a lovely thing to receive a letter in the post? Here's my effort today. 

I love the idea of having one of those beautiful writing desks that were so popular with the Edwardians...

My Grandfather wrote letters to his sister when he was in the war and they were found recently - beautiful letters written home from where ever he was stationed at the time. Sadly, he died along time before I came along and so it is a really special link to him. I've asked my dad to send a picture over of them so I can share some of them.

Let's face it, emailing is just not the same. There's something about the paper and the handwriting that captures a person in a way that an email never can. Stamps are expensive now but a card or a letter become even more special as a result. 

My youngest niece used to write to me while I was at Music College and her childish scribblings and stickers and spelling mistakes were always such a joy to receive and would live on my fridge in London.

Here's a link to some Cath Kidson notepaper that I have loved to use over the years.

Noticing the Beautiful Things

This post on appeared on Facebook a few days ago and has inspired me to write this blog today. How many times in life do we not stop and take in what's around us? How many times do we walk on and MISS so many wonderful things? I was AMAZED and felt very sad when I saw this...

Joshua Bell - violinist - wonderful, wonderful player who was busking in Washington DC metro. How many people stopped to listen?? It was rush hour and everyone seemed in such a hurry. Hardly anyone took any notice of him or the fabulous music. One woman recognises him and stops to talk.

How sad.

What else are we missing when we are running around like headless chickens to get to work, when we're in work, when we get home from work?? Sometimes life can feel a bit as if we're constantly chasing our tails.

I'm as guilty as anyone sometimes, and my aim is to make sure that every day I stop and find time to do something lovely, or see something lovely. This will be my mantra for the week...